
其實還是要自拍!  (臉皮真是厚)

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其實還是要自拍!  (臉皮真是厚)

new friend :Rabit!


whoslittleshop 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

" Of course" !

he said,to answering my questions.

And my question is to your question.

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" Of course" !
he said,to answering my questions.
And my question is to your question.
God's always watching above, not taking care of us.

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原來我是 :    (That's why make me a drama queen!)

D 你是來自冬日的情人


whoslittleshop 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

原來我是 :    (That's why make me a drama queen!)

D 你是來自冬日的情人


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If I can be the Wind beneath your wings...

ㄚMO 也開始寫BLOG ,BLOG  勉強是我跟她的 出口  ....


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If I can be the Wind beneath your wings...

ㄚMO 也開始寫BLOG ,BLOG  勉強是我跟她的 出口  ....


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我今天的 人生很妙...
早上從家走去開車... 走在路上有個太太騎車載個小孩

突然喊我,我定睛一看 原來是漫畫書店老板娘

whoslittleshop 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

我今天的 人生很妙...
早上從家走去開車... 走在路上有個太太騎車載個小孩
突然喊我,我定睛一看 原來是漫畫書店老板娘

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Soulmate [natasha bedlingfield]

Speak out if you do

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Soulmate [natasha bedlingfield]

Speak out if you do

you're not easy to find
Is it possible Mr. Loveable

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Blur Jade,Wow!! Beautiful and what a beautiful smile!

你!技術很差 你看小賴眼睛~

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Blur Jade,Wow!! Beautiful and what a beautiful smile!

你!技術很差 你看小賴眼睛~

Me , 賴 小小賴

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Big girls don't cry

Da Da Da Da
The smell of your skin lingers on me now

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