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Alanis Morissette Simple Together you've been my golden best friend now with post-demise at hand can't go to you for consolation cause we're off limits during this transition 曾經是被人稱羨的一對 現在只是過去式 在我們手上宣告死亡 再也不能尋求你的安慰,我們已經跨越終線 this grief overwhelms me it burns in my stomach and i can't stop bumping into things 我被悲傷淹沒 它在我胃裡燃燒 我無法甩開它 i thought we'd be simple together i thought we'd be happy together thought we'd be limitless together i thought we'd be precious together but i was sadly mistaken 我曾以為我們就是這麼簡單的幸福的在一起 我曾以為我們就是這樣 無止盡的在一起 我們這麼擁有這麼珍貴的彼此 但難過的是 我錯了 you've been my soulmate and then some i remembered you the moment i met you with you i knew god's face was handsome with you i saw fun and expansion 你曾是我的soulmate ,記得初次見你的那一瞬間 擁有你讓我認識上帝美好的一面 擁有你讓我知道 無窮的快樂 this loss is numbing me it pierces my chest and i can't stop dropping everything 失去一切讓我麻木 它刺破我的胸口 我無法阻止所有事墜落 i thought we'd be sexy together thought we'd be evolving together i thought we'd have children together i thought we'd be family together but i was sadly mistaken 我以為我們會性感的在一起 我以為我們會在一起發展成熟 我以為我們會一起擁有小孩 我以為我們會一起組成家庭 但難過的是 我錯了 if i had a bill for all the philosophies i shared if i had a penny for all the possibilities i presented if i had a dime for every hand thrown up in the air my wealth would render this no less severe 如果我有張帳單是我與你分享的哲理 如果我有一便士代表所有我代給你的肯定 如果我有一角能將一切拋向空中 我用我的財富全交付給嚴酷 i thought we'd be genius together i thought we'd be healing together i thought we'd be growing together thought we'd be adventurous together but i was sadly mistaken 我以為我們會像精靈般的相守 我以為我們會互相治療的相守 我以為我們會一起成長的相守 但難過的是 我錯了 thought we'd be exploring together thought we'd be inspired together i thought we'd be flying together thought we'd be on fire together but i was sadly mistaken 我以為我們一起探險 我以為我們一起啟發靈感 我以為我們會一起飛翔 但難過的是 我錯了 |