 I'd wait for life
There's a place we used to be
There's a face that I used to see
There's a picture with you by my side
There's a moment that I want to find.

I don't know where to start
Or how to begin
But I kow I love you still.

If you ever turn away
If you ever change your mind
If the road ahead becomes too hard to climb
If there's something in your heart
that tells you to stop
Oh to hold you close tonight
I'd wait for life.

There's a voice shouting inside my head
There's a space on your side of the bed
There's a hope everytime there's a sound
There's a silence that's playing too loud

I don't know how you are
Or how you may be
But I know I love you still.

If I close my eyes
I'll dream a little deeper baby
'Cause you are always on my mind
Yeah you are always on my mind
For life.

很令人動容的歌詞 我以為我會這樣 但我不會了
似乎他的一切 在我腦海裡 像受潮的畫 漸漸的  漸漸的掉色了
PS 隨然還是在看表演的時候 聽了這首歌而落淚 
ㄚ 學長說 我的眼淚是珍珠 不能再亂流

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